Inverey – Carn Bhac, 13th October 2024


The weather gods were smiling when the coach left Blairgowrie with a promise of a fine early winter day on the hill.

The 23 walkers were not disappointed as regardless of the route chosen, the weather conditions were perfect for hillwalking with clear and extensive views of the Cairngorm mountains to enjoy.

The C group (3) were dropped off on Braemar to start their walk up and around Craig Coinnich, the remainder of the party stayed on the coach to be taken on to their start at Inverey.

The A group (11) set off up Glen Ey to Auchellie where they struck off west to climb first over Carn nan Seilach then Carn Creagach before finally reaching the summit of the Munro Carn Bhac (946m). Some of the party then re-traced their outward route back to Inverey,

Others made their way to Carn Damhaireach, better known as the Top of the Battery. Following its north-east ridge, they returned to the glen and back to the coach at Inverey.

After leaving Inverey, the B group (9) quickly settled into a steady pace to climb through Glen Ey on a track and then a good path to the summit of Carn Liath (818m). When they left the forest there were traces of pine martens and, as they gained height in Glen Ey, they were heralded by the roar of stags echoing around the glen. Wonderful to hear the stags in the rutting season and to see them with their hinds on the sky-line. Although cold on the summit, the party lingered a while to savour the panorama of the Cairngorms including the high mountains of Ben Macdui and Beinn a Bhuird before moving off on a broad mossy ridge to Carn na Moine. Here a stone shelter was an excellent lunch stop again giving views into southern Cairngorms and east along Deeside towards Braemar Castle.

On the ridge, there were still some hardy patches of bell heather giving occasional flashes of deep pink and shining black crowberries. The descent was straightforward following the ridge north east to pick up a good track through pine forest back to Inverey - and an early return to Braemar for refreshments.

The C group followed the well waymarked track out of Braemar and climbed up through a wonderful mixed woodland to reach the summit of Craig Choinnich where they enjoyed very extensive view of the snow-capped Cairngorm massif as well as across the village, the river Dee and the local hills. Re-tracing their steps part way down the hill, they followed a popular track that circumnavigated the hill. Leaving this at a point to join the Queens Drive to the point where it meets the A93 south of Braemar, crossing the road to follow another track that eventually crossed the River Cluny before returning them to the village and The Bothy for refreshments.

There was a golden eagle sighting by one person with ravens, grouse, a greater spotted woodpecker and other woodland birds noted.