Glenshee (Carn an Tuirc)

Date: Sunday 23 June
Transport: CAR
OS Map No: 43

A Walk - Cairn of Claise – Carn an Tuirc Circular

Starting from carpark on A93 north of ski centre at NO 148 799, cross burn twice and follow track SE to Sron na Gaoithe (814 m) then continue in same direction up ridge to col at 170 777. Take track NE to Cairn of Claise (M 1064 m). Descend N for c.1 km before climbing NW then W to summit of Carn an Tuirc (M 1019 m). Descend N to ruined hut at 172 810 to reach path back to carpark. Meet up with other groups at ski centre cafe.

Approx distance: 12.3 km

Total ascent: 654 m

Min walking time: 5 hrs

B Walk - Carn an Tuirc

Same starting point as A party. Cross bridge and follow path on N side of burn ENE to ruins of Carn an Tuirc Hut at 172 810 then climb southwards to Carn an Tuirc (M 1019 m) . Make time to walk ENE from summit to cairn at 183 810 on the edge of scenic Coire Loch Kander to take in the view. Return to cars by the same route. Meet up with other groups at ski centre café.

Approx distance: 10 km

Total ascent: 546 m

Min walking time: 3½ hrs

C Walk - Carn nan Sac and Carn a Gheoidh

Start from carpark by ski centre cafe. Walking W between the ski lifts follow track on N side of burn in Butcharts Corrie NW then W past the hut. At 128 787 turn S looking for traversing paths to a col at 127 781 then rising SW to top of Carn nan Sac (920 m). From here in a westerly direction gradually ascend to Carn a Gheoidh (M 975 m). Return to cars via the same route. Meet up with other groups at ski centre café.

Approx distance: 10 km

Total ascent: 434 m

Min walking time: 4 hrs @ 3kph

Please note that the Minimum walking times are based on reasonably fast walkers and assuming good conditions. The times do not include stops or breaks. In poor weather conditions or if members are not comfortable walking at 4km/hour then alternative or shorter routes should be considered.

Next Walk/Activity:

The next club walk is on Saturday 20 July, train to Loch Rannoch then walk to Kingshouse Hotel starting at 08:00  (Blairgowrie) and 07:45  (Alyth).

Other information/events: Autumn Weekend, Kelso, 20-22 September. Get your accommodation organised!


Glenshee (Carn an Tuirc)

Date: Sunday 23 June
Transport: CAR
OS Map No: 43

A Walk - Cairn of Claise – Carn an Tuirc Circular

Starting from carpark on A93 north of ski centre at NO 148 799, cross burn twice and follow track SE to Sron na Gaoithe (814 m) then continue in same direction up ridge to col at 170 777. Take track NE to Cairn of Claise (M 1064 m). Descend N for c.1 km before climbing NW then W to summit of Carn an Tuirc (M 1019 m). Descend N to ruined hut at 172 810 to reach path back to carpark. Meet up with other groups at ski centre cafe.

Approx distance: 12.3 km

Total ascent: 654 m

Min walking time: 5 hrs

B Walk - Carn an Tuirc

Same starting point as A party. Cross bridge and follow path on N side of burn ENE to ruins of Carn an Tuirc Hut at 172 810 then climb southwards to Carn an Tuirc (M 1019 m) . Make time to walk ENE from summit to cairn at 183 810 on the edge of scenic Coire Loch Kander to take in the view. Return to cars by the same route. Meet up with other groups at ski centre café.

Approx distance: 10 km

Total ascent: 546 m

Min walking time: 3½ hrs

C Walk - Carn nan Sac and Carn a Gheoidh

Start from carpark by ski centre cafe. Walking W between the ski lifts follow track on N side of burn in Butcharts Corrie NW then W past the hut. At 128 787 turn S looking for traversing paths to a col at 127 781 then rising SW to top of Carn nan Sac (920 m). From here in a westerly direction gradually ascend to Carn a Gheoidh (M 975 m). Return to cars via the same route. Meet up with other groups at ski centre café.

Approx distance: 10 km

Total ascent: 434 m

Min walking time: 4 hrs @ 3kph

Please note that the Minimum walking times are based on reasonably fast walkers and assuming good conditions. The times do not include stops or breaks. In poor weather conditions or if members are not comfortable walking at 4km/hour then alternative or shorter routes should be considered.

Next Walk/Activity:

The next club walk is on Saturday 20 July, train to Loch Rannoch then walk to Kingshouse Hotel starting at 08:00  (Blairgowrie) and 07:45  (Alyth).

Other information/events: Autumn Weekend, Kelso, 20-22 September. Get your accommodation organised!
