
Date: Sunday 3 March
Transport: CARS
OS Map No: 52
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A Walk - Meall Nam Fuaran 805m

From Amulree village hall, NN 898 363, follow Kenmore road to Croftmill, then turn left onto Rob Roy Way (RRW). At 822 343 turn right onto Glen Shervie track. Turn right again at 813 355 on track heading NE up Meall Nam Fuaran. From summit head E to join track leading back to RRW.

Approx distance: 22 km

Total ascent: 725 m

Min walking time: 6¾ hrs

B Walk - Meall Dearg 690m and Creag An Loch 663m

Head N on A822, cross old road bridge and at NN 902 368 pick up track heading NE by farm buildings. Head NNE on the straight Old Military Road. It turns NNW over the Glenfender Burn to meet the Glen Fender track running NW at 908 384. At 893 392 turn right onto track leading uphill northwards to Beinn Liath, then NNW to Meall Dearg 690m. Head SW to Creag An Loch 663m then SW to join track descending SW to Glen Quaich, then SE on RRW by Loch Freuchie back to Amulree

Approx distance: 18 km

Total ascent: 620 m

Min walking time: 5½ hrs

C Walk - Glen Fender & Glen Quaich

Start as B Walk. At track junction 907 373 head NWW passing to N of Craig Hulich. Continue NW on track until junction at 882 388. Then climb N to keep S of 608m spot height before descending SW to Glen Quaich. Take RRW SE by Loch Freuchie to return to Amulree. (NB: This walk is all on tracks - not all on OS 1:50).

Approx distance: 14 km

Total ascent: 430 m

Min walking time: 5¼ hrs (@3kph)

Please note that the Minimum walking times are based on reasonably fast walkers and assuming good conditions. The times do not include stops or breaks. In poor weather conditions or if members are not comfortable walking at 4km/hour then alternative or shorter routes should be considered.

Next Walk/Activity:

Next club walkMeall Chuaich on Sunday 24th March, 8am Wellmeadow

Other events:   Mountain Mind Quiz Tuesday 12th March; AGM Friday 29th March, both at Golf Club


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Date: Sunday 3 March
Transport: CARS
OS Map No: 52

A Walk - Meall Nam Fuaran 805m

From Amulree village hall, NN 898 363, follow Kenmore road to Croftmill, then turn left onto Rob Roy Way (RRW). At 822 343 turn right onto Glen Shervie track. Turn right again at 813 355 on track heading NE up Meall Nam Fuaran. From summit head E to join track leading back to RRW.

Approx distance: 22 km

Total ascent: 725 m

Min walking time: 6¾ hrs

B Walk - Meall Dearg 690m and Creag An Loch 663m

Head N on A822, cross old road bridge and at NN 902 368 pick up track heading NE by farm buildings. Head NNE on the straight Old Military Road. It turns NNW over the Glenfender Burn to meet the Glen Fender track running NW at 908 384. At 893 392 turn right onto track leading uphill northwards to Beinn Liath, then NNW to Meall Dearg 690m. Head SW to Creag An Loch 663m then SW to join track descending SW to Glen Quaich, then SE on RRW by Loch Freuchie back to Amulree

Approx distance: 18 km

Total ascent: 620 m

Min walking time: 5½ hrs

C Walk - Glen Fender & Glen Quaich

Start as B Walk. At track junction 907 373 head NWW passing to N of Craig Hulich. Continue NW on track until junction at 882 388. Then climb N to keep S of 608m spot height before descending SW to Glen Quaich. Take RRW SE by Loch Freuchie to return to Amulree. (NB: This walk is all on tracks - not all on OS 1:50).

Approx distance: 14 km

Total ascent: 430 m

Min walking time: 5¼ hrs (@3kph)

Please note that the Minimum walking times are based on reasonably fast walkers and assuming good conditions. The times do not include stops or breaks. In poor weather conditions or if members are not comfortable walking at 4km/hour then alternative or shorter routes should be considered.

Next Walk/Activity:

Next club walkMeall Chuaich on Sunday 24th March, 8am Wellmeadow

Other events:   Mountain Mind Quiz Tuesday 12th March; AGM Friday 29th March, both at Golf Club
