Black Mount

Blairgowrie and District hillwalking club had a good turnout for their walk to the Black Mount but unfortunately they faced persistent rain and strong wind with low cloud. Best laid plans to climb Stob a Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar were set aside for another day and all nineteen members walked on the West Highland Way from Victoria Bridge past Bridge of Orchy, to Tyndrum. On the way, the Blairgowrie hikers met many groups of all ages and nationalities walking towards Fort William.
Nowadays much wet weather attire is vivid and although the weather was dreary, brightly clad walkers exchanged cheery greetings and big smiles. There were more sightings of strong colours with clumps of scarlet fly agaric fungi and sheep sporting strange orange fleeces. Another unusual sighting was a prospector panning, perhaps for gold, in the river above Tyndrum. Reaching Tyndrum everyone was pleased to change out of wet clothes before a snooze on the bus on the way home.
The next Club outing is the second weekend of walking as part of the Club’s 40th anniversary celebrations venturing south to be based at Haydon Bridge and walks on Hadrian’s Wall. Thereafter the club returns to its usual three weekly cycle of walks with the first of these being on Sunday 7th October to the Dalwhinnie area. More details are available on the club’s website , visitors are always welcome. Photograph on the West Highland Way looking back towards Victoria Bridge.