Loch Ordie. 2021 Christmas Walk

On Sunday, 12th Dec. the Club held their annual Christmas walk. Careful consideration and Risk Assessments' were carried out and it was decided to proceed with caution and improved procedures were put in place to minimise the spread of Corona Virus.
29 members registered for the walk and enjoyed a relatively mild and calm day, walking from Dunkeld to Loch Ordie and returning to the Birnam and Dunkeld Golf Club for Soup, Mincemeat pies and light refreshment.
Walks mainly started from the A923 near Loch of Craiglush and followed a good track to Mill Dam.

From here the "a" walk continued north traversing around Deuchary Hill to Loch Ordie Lodge and Loch Ordie. Time for elevenses and take in the magnificent view across a flat calm loch with reflections of fare shore on the loch before turning south and heading to Raor Lodge.

The walk continued south past Dowally Loch, Rotmell Loch, back to Mill Dam, Birkenburn, and Cally Loch to end up at the Dunkeld and Birnam Golf Club.

The "b" walk started with the A group before breaking off and heading straight to Birkenburn, Cally Loch and completing an extension to Polney Loch before heading to the Golf Club.

At the Golf Club, members were served Soup and Mincemeat pies, tea, coffee and light refreshments. Observing Social distancing and Covid Regulations members were entertained with a quiz, and judging the best dressed rucksack competition.
The weather was better than had been forecast and remained dry and fairly bright all day, Although most of the lochs were frozen there were many wild fowl spotted on the lochs and the obvious recent activity from the local beaver population at Mill Dam.