
On Sunday 11th October the Club travelled to Newtonmore for a day out in the hills. For the first time since February 2020 we were able to use Coach transport and a good turn out of members made good use of this long awaited mode of transport and enjoyed a good day out. All walks on the day started in the village centre and headed out the "Glen Road" towards the Monadhliath Mountains.
There were three groups and the first of these followed the Glen Road up to the upper carpark and continued North the Allt a' Chaorainn before ascending to the summit of Creag an Loin. The return route was on the footpath above the Calder Burn through spectacular woodland of Aspen and Birch trees and the waterfalls and gorge of the burn.

The second group headed up Glen Banchor before turning north and following the Allt Fionndrigh to higher ground. Turning South they continued to climb to the summit of Creag Liath, a Corbett in the centre of the Monadhliath Mountains. The descent route dropped down to Glen Banchor and the track back to Newtonmore.

The third group also headed up the "Glen Road" to the upper carpark and also followed the Allt a' Chaorainn before ascending to higher ground and the ridge leading to the Munro, Cairn A' Chailleach. This group returned over Geal Charn and dropped down and followed the Allt Fionndrigh back to the carpark and the track returning to Newtonmore.

The weather started of with bright sunshine but as height was gained, the wind picked up and the mist descended, making for blustery conditions. The smell of the bog Myrtle, the Autumn colours, the strong cool breeze and the sound of Stags roaring on the hillside reminded us all that summer is over and Autumn has set in.