Glenshee/Carn an Tuirc - 23rd June 2024

blog-img On a glorious summer day, 17 members of Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club ventured to Glen Shee. Everyone enjoyed outstanding walks with wonderful visibility into the Southern Cairngorms, Highland Perthshire and the Angus Glens. The party split into three groups with largest party, a group of 11, setting off up Butcharts Corrie west of the Glen Shee ski centre.

After reaching the summit ridge they headed southwest to Carn nan Sac with exciting views down into Coire Dhirich. Thereafter an easy walk over dry mossy ground leading to the top of the Munro, Carn a Gheoidh. A large stone shelter provided a good stopping place for lunch, by this time in very warm sunshine. The views could not be bettered and as our president commented, “an outstanding day – makes you remember why we love hillwalking”. On our return route half of the party decided one Munro was not enough so they finished off by climbing up to the Cairnwell to make it two Munros – unknown for C party! A happy group all met down at the ski centre café for well-earned ice-creams.

The other two parties started their walks north of the ski centre. The B party headed east following a direct route past waterfalls of the Allt a Gharbh Coire to the stony summit dome of Carn an Tuirc. After lunch and having exchanged cheery greetings with other pairs enjoying the scenery, they extended their walk eastwards over a grassy plateau to the edge of the high coire and cliffs above Loch Kander. They returned by retracing their route back over the summit of Carn an Tuirc just ahead of the A team advancing from a longer walk taking in a circuit of two Munros, Cairn of Claise and Carn an Tuirc.

This group were lucky to spot a large herd of red deer. Other wildlife spots included, lizards and frogs, orchids, cloud berry, meadow pippets, grouse and the plaintiff call of golden plover near the summit of Carn an Tuirc. All parties enjoyed welcome refreshments in the Glen Shee ski centre café with an earlier than usual return to Blairgowrie.